Friday, 28 May 2010


I have finished my Graphic Design Degree! Hurrah! Onto bigger and brighter things (hopefully...)

I will of course keep putting new bits of Graphic Design and Photography on here.


Emotional Reactions Video Clips

I completely forgot to include any of the Emotional Reaction videos I put together! So here are two of my favourites.

End Results

So I finished off all the projects I was working on. To go with the Emotional Reaction posters I produced a set of six booklets, one for each video clip. The booklet contains all the best reaction images as well as a slot to hold the CD with the actual video on. Each cover contains my favourite image out of all the reactions.

I also produced a set of three pamphlets to go with the An Emotional Time posters. These posters were quite abstract so I wanted to include a bit more information to add more context to the project. I included bits and pieces of information about the emotions I was feeling throughout the period of time.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Emotional T Shirts Photo Shoot

I have recently been playing around with doing photo shoots for each of my emotional t-shirts and designing posters to represent them. Some emotions have been harder than others to photograph, why is it so hard to get someone to look Frisky!?

Here are a few posters, more to come later.